Myrt, Fletcher, Bogey & Debra

Trip of a Lifetime

Hello all!

Debra, Bogey, Fletcher and I are about to embark on the trip of a lifetime. Our goal for this blog is to keep each of you apprised of our adventures as we trek across our great country.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Interesting Trip Thus Far

We're in Oklahoma City after three days of hard driving and adventures through Atlanta's Stone Mtn and Memphis, TN.  We have hopefully gotten all the "bad things" out of the way...have already gone down a dead end road (for those of you familiar with towing...that's not a good thing...must unhook car, back up both car and RV separately...can be VERY interesting, especially if car is in a turn and freezes up tow bar...followed GPS through DOWNTOWN Atlanta...VERY interesting but luckily EXCELLENT driver (AKA Debra) and "REAL navigator" (AKA Myrt) got us through unscathed and VERY PROUD of ourselves...had to buy new battery for Honda (extensive towing requires removal of radio fuse or it will deplete battery.  Jump started the battery twice on Saturday and took to Auto Zone to find we had a dead cell...not bad for a 4 year old battery...Finally got special needlenose pliers to actually remove the guilty fuse only to lose TWO fuses IN the door never to be seen again due to the tight quarters of the fuse box (now expert at both taking out and putting back in).  Have kept our humor through it all and as you can see, didn't phase Fletcher not one bit! :-)


  1. It can only get better !!!! get the rough stuff over with ;o)

  2. Ahhh...I miss my co-worker, Fletc...opps - Debra!
